Dr. Cynthia Dwork
Microsoft Research Silicon Valley
Computer Science Building, Room 151
Faculty Host: Gerome Miklau
The problem of...
Dr. Cynthia Dwork
Microsoft Research Silicon Valley
Computer Science Building, Room 151
Faculty Host: Gerome Miklau
The problem of...
Albert (Gene) Novark
Computer Science Building, Room 151
Programs written in C and C++ are susceptible to a number of memory errors, including buffer overflows and...
Dennis Moreau
RSA, The Security Division of EMC
Computer Science Building, Room 151
Virtualization technologies have been aggressively adopted based on the...
Fred Schneider
Cornell University
Computer Science Department
Computer Science Building, Rooms 150 & 151
Faculty Host: Richards...
Raghu Ganti
Messaging and Event Systems
Computer Science Building, Room 151
Faculty Host: Deepak Ganesan
Embedded sensing...
Ashwin Machanavajjhala
Yahoo! Research
Computer Science Building, Room 151
Faculty Host: Gerome Miklau and Lisa Ballesteros, Mt. Holyoke...
Gary McGraw
Cigital, Inc.
Computer Science Building, Room 151
Faculty Host: Kevin Fu
Vijay Ganesh
Computer Science Building, Room 142
Constraint solvers such as Boolean SAT or modular arithmetic solvers are increasingly playing a key role in...
Ileana Streinu
Smith College
Linkage Laboratory
Computer Science Building, Room 151
I will present the accomplishments of the students who worked on the...
Joseph Loyall
BBN Technologies/Raytheon
Computer Science Building, Room 150
The world of computing science is getting more and more distributed, with both...