Distributed Systems Research at BBN Technologies

12 Oct
Wednesday, 10/12/2011 8:00am to 9:15am

Joseph Loyall
BBN Technologies/Raytheon

Computer Science Building, Room 150

The world of computing science is getting more and more distributed, with both increasing and decreasing scale. Increasing in the terms of the numbers of devices that are interconnected and decreasing in terms of the size of the devices being interconnected. The Distributed Systems Group at BBN Technologies is conducting research contributing both to (1) enabling software systems to be distributed and (2) making systems that are distributed work better.

We will provide a brief overview of BBN Technologies and its history of groundbreaking research. We will then provide a brief overview of research in the Distributed Systems Group at BBN Technologies, highlighting a representative set of our projects ranging from early stages research to transition of prior research into distributed, embedded systems. The four research projects we describe are

  • Designing and prototyping advanced protected services that enable the development of adaptive and survivable distributed systems.
  • Real-time information dissemination among embedded platforms in austere locations.
  • Computing operations on encrypted data.
  • Software engineering for biological systems

Joseph P. Loyall is a Principal Scientist at BBN Technologies in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Dr. Loyall is a Senior Technical Director of the Distributed Systems Technology group at BBN. He received a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Illinois in 1991, and is a senior member of the IEEE. Dr. Loyall has published over 75 papers and served on numerous program committees and review panels. Information about the Distributed Systems group, including copies of published papers, is available at http://www.dist-systems.bbn.com.

Lunch will be served.