We are a group of students who are passionate about cybersecurity. Not just from sitting in lectures -- cybersecurity involves rolling up your sleeves and hacking through thickets of bad code, poor infrastructure, and malicious attackers. A great place to practice these skills is in the stimulating environment of a competition.
Founded in 2016, the UMass Pentest Club first competed in the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition in the Spring of 2017. The Pentest Club gained access to a space in the LGRT for organizing practices, hosting donated machines, and to meet as peers and discuss cybersecurity topics. To reach a larger audience and carry on its spirit, the Pentest Club joined the Cybersecurity Club in 2020. The Cybersecurity Club continues to organize a team and practice for the CCDC each year.
We hope to keep expanding our community, including growing our CCDC team. We also compete in Capture the Flag events under the name of SavedByTheShell (coined by Pentest president Jake Quilty).
At the Cybersecurity Club, we practice cybersecurity by providing a safe outlet for people to gain hands-on experience.
Join the mailing list and chat on our discord to get involved.
This team was created with two main objectives. First, teach students about the defensive and offensive techniques used in industry and how to apply those techniques responsibly. Second, we recruit and train the UMass National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC) team.
Since then, we have also become active in CTFs to train our skills in ethical hacking tools and techniques.
By following these objectives, we learn how to work through challenges in the field of cybersecurity and prepare to work in the industry.
Join our Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/KRZDQTb
For questions or information, please email: umasscybersec [at] gmail [dot] com
Prof. Amir Houmansadr (2019-Present)
Our current faculty mentor helps us with basic club functions and acts as our official representative.
Homepage: Link
Email: amir [at] cs.umass.edu
Prof. Brian Levine (2016-2019)
Brian, thank you for helping us launch our group.
And thank you for supporting the community with your research and educational impact.
Homepage: Link
School Resources: