Research Groups

Computer Networks Research Group

The Computer Networks Research Group in the College of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst is led by Professors Jim Kurose and Don Towsley. Our research spans a broad range of topics in networking, including network protocols and architecture, modeling and analysis, sensor networks, wireless networks, and network measurement. We seek a principled understanding of new and emerging areas through a complementary mix of theoretical and applied experimental research.

Cryptoeconomics Lab


The UMass Amherst Cryptoeconomics Lab is focused on research involving cryptocurrencies, blockchains, and related technologies. Our interests include advances in security and network performance in an economic context. Among other contributions, we are home to the Graphene project for efficient block relaying and set reconciliation.


Database and Information Management Lab

We focus on building systems for efficiently and securely managing data. We focus on diverse topics, including probabilistic databases, privacy-preserving data analysis, mining and analysis of social networks and graph data, secure database architectures, database auditing, data stream processing, sensor data management, flash-based database management, provenance, causality, reverse data management, diversity and fairness, among others.

Digital Forensics Laboratory

The Digital Forensics Laboratory is a unique partnership between UMass Amherst and the Massachusetts State Police.  The Lab's work advances digital forensics science and technology, addressing the challenge of the protean nature of computer systems and the Internet. Our core mission is to develop and apply novel research and technology in forensics and privacy to address the interests of government, law, and society.

Knowledge Discovery Laboratory

The Knowledge Discovery Laboratory (KDL) is a research group in the College of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.  We study the foundations of machine learning, develop innovative technologies for exploring and modeling complex data sets, and we apply those technologies to practical tasks in areas such as computational social science, management of cyber-physical systems, scientific data analysis, network science, and fraud detection.

Network Systems Laboratory

We approach problems such as future network architecture, router systems, and embedded systems and network security from a theoretical as well as practical angle, placing emphasis on the implementation of prototype systems for validation and to obtain quantitative performance data.

Secure, Private Internet (SPIN) Research Group

The Secure, Private Internet (SPIN) Research Group aims at making Internet communications secure and private. Towards this, we analyze the security and privacy provided by existing network protocols, tools, and services, based on which we propose design adjustments to regain users' security and privacy, or devise clean-slate Internet communication tools. Our work combines the development of practical systems with rigorous theoretical analysis and incorporates techniques from various disciplines such as computer networking, cryptography, and statistics.

UMass Amherst Rescue Lab

For more than a decade, the UMass Rescue Lab has been the premier computer science research group working to rescue children from Internet-based victimization. Our first-class research and novel forensic methods are used by investigators in every US state and in many countries around the world.

Over a thousand children have been rescued from sexual abuse by investigators using our tools in every US state and over 40 countries. We have never charged for our tools or trainings.

VLSI Circuits And Systems Group

The VCSG group uses a combination of state-of-the-art CAD tools from both academia and industry to design and analyze novel circuits and circuit models and their impact on higher level systems across a range of semiconductor technologies. Test chips are designed, fabricated and tested to verify novel circuits, calibrate simulations  and obtain measurements that require physical implementations. Motivating applications for our work include signal processing, embedded security, wireless communications, graphics and enterprise computing.