News & Events

April 12, 2023
Faculty members and students from UMass Amherst participated in the annual New England Hardware Security Day (NEHWS), held in April at Northeastern University. NEHWS serves as a platform for hardware security experts in the New England region to... more
January 31, 2023
Fatima Anwar was awarded a NSF CAREER grant. "Secure Timing Architecture for Untrusted Edge Systems."
December 31, 2022
Professor Brian Levine was the sole author of a 2022 Report to Congress published by the US National Institute of Justice on Increasing the Efficacy of Investigations of Online Child Sexual Exploitation.  The 164-page report covers the challenges... more
November 30, 2022
On 11/19/22, members of the UMass Cybersecurity traveled to New Haven, CT and won New
November 17, 2022
Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Healy and Northeastern District Attorney David Sullivan visited the University of Amherst campus in October to kick off a new collaborative effort with the UMass Cybersecurity Institute. The Institute and the... more
November 08, 2022
Amir Houmansadr, professor of information and computer sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, was recently awarded a $1,000,000 Young Faculty Award (YFA) by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) for his work on the... more
October 31, 2022
Professor Brian Levine and University of California Berkeley Professor Hany Farid launched a new website to increase the safety of children online. The website,, is the result of a $250,000 grant from Oak Foundation. will... more
August 31, 2022
Professor Yuriy Brun received a DARPA grant titled "PLATO: Enriched Tactic Prediction Models for Proof Synthesis & Repair." This 18-month $1M award (in collaboration with UIUC) is part of the Proof Engineering, Adaptation, Repair, and Learning... more
August 31, 2022
Professor Yuriy received a $615,852 NSF Grant for the topic of automatically verifying software to ensure it doesn't have vulnerabilities."Toward Fully Automated Formal SoftwareVerification."
July 20, 2022
The UMass Amherst's Cybersecurity Institute and the Digital Evidence Lab of the Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General (AGO) will offer an exciting new program starting in September 2022. The program is seeking UMass students to work in an on-... more
